It’s not about cost per square foot.
It’s about quality of life, reduction of greenhouse gas, and the money & time homeowners will save while living in a small modular home.
The savings over time will vary depending on various factors such as location, size, and individual lifestyle choices but here are some key points to consider regarding the savings associated with our shipping container home options:
Initial Cost: Shipping Container homes have a lower upfront cost compared to a “standard" size. According to a survey by, the average cost of a tiny home in the United States is around $52,000, which is significantly cheaper than the average price of a typical home [1].
Reduced Energy Consumption: Shipping Container homes are more energy-efficient due to their smaller size and the heating/cooling pump systems we include in each build. They require less energy for heating, cooling, and lighting, which result in lower utility bills. Additionally, the smaller space encourages residents to be mindful of their energy consumption habits.
Lower Maintenance Costs: The size of a shipping container home means there is less square footage to maintain. This results in reduced maintenance costs. For example painting, roofing repairs, and general upkeep are much lower in a 400 sqft home.
Property Taxes: Small homes often have lower property taxes compared to larger homes since they have a smaller footprint and lower assessed values.
Reduced Debt and Financial Freedom: With a lower upfront cost and potentially lower ongoing expenses, living in a shipping container home can allow individuals to quickly reduce or eliminate mortgage debt. This leads to greater financial freedom and the ability to allocate resources towards other priorities or investments.
Flexibility & Mobility: Shipping Container homes provide the advantage of mobility. If desired, homeowners can relocate their S.I. Container Build homes easily, which can be advantageous for those who have changing or growing lives. This mobility can potentially save costs associated with selling and purchasing traditional homes.
Greenhouse Gas Savings: If you factor in reduced construction materials associated with the extraction, production, and transportation of construction materials and lower energy consumption due to the smaller space the GHG savings can be impressive. According to one study conducted in Australia [4], tiny homes can reduce per-person carbon emissions by 70% over their lifespan compared to traditional homes.
Health: Living a small home lifestyle can improve physical and mental health. A clean and clutter-free environment can contribute to mental clarity, reduce stress, and alleviate anxiety [2]. By cutting back on unnecessary spending and buying only what is truly needed, individuals can free up funds to afford experiences or save for future goals [3]. In addition, a smaller home invites nature in and encourages outdoor activities. Being outside also creates a more peaceful and calming atmosphere, promotes physical activity, and interactions with neighbors which leads to a more intentional and fulfilling lifestyle.
Time: A modular home can be done in weeks as opposed to months or even years. That means that you're in your home faster or able to rent your short or long term rental faster, brining in months of revenue. Adding that to the cost of a standard stick build you're able to save thousands of dollars.
So again, it’s not about cost per square foot. It’s about LESS SPACE AND MORE LIVING.
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