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Why Earth Day 2022 is Different from the Rest...

The 2022 Earth Day theme is 'Only One Earth'.

This Earth Day focuses on all the possibilities for shifting to greener, more sustainable lifestyles.

Gather around for a History lesson! 'Only One Earth' was the motto used for the very first UN conference on the human environment, and there's a reason why it's the theme for Earth Day 2022.

Climate change is a reality we must face. It's time we reassess how humanity can live with a smaller carbon footprint. The recent UN report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, makes it clear that without immediate action, we are headed for trouble.

The world is not becoming energy-efficient quickly enough to keep up with the activity and growth of the global economy. Worldwide, the richest 10 percent of households are responsible for 45 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions, according to the report.

(FYI: Someone in the top 10% of the global income distribution makes $122,100 per year.)

The good news: renewable energy has become more affordable.

Prices for solar and wind energy have dropped a ton since 2010... and don't forget about electric vehicle batteries!

In 2020, solar and wind provided close to 10 percent of the world’s electricity. Progress!

The Nation is urging us to is urging us to live smaller in walkable, bikeable communities that share assets and have access to necessary resources because the report says that the world needs to invest three to six times what it’s currently spending on mitigating climate change if it wants to limit global warming.

The even better news: SICBS can help.

We are approaching climate change with Container Communities. Cost and availability are the two leading factors in the development of container villages. Shipping containers are just about everywhere around the globe, making it a readily available resource to build with, and are more cost-effective than traditionally built homes.

Downsized communities not only have a strong potential to fix the missing middle of the housing market, but are also a dependable starting point for communities looking to take immediate action to lower their carbon footprint.

This innovation does not have to be bleak, “people are demanding more healthy cities and greener cities,” Joyashree Roy, an economist at the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok says.

Residential parks and manufactured home companies are leaning into the idea of building their developments with sustainable, economical structures. It's more important than ever to think forward to account for future lifestyle benefits. Container villages are designed to fit into their surroundings and be flexible to accommodate the varying lives of community members.

It's up to us to take action. Are you in?



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